The SLMC’s is empowered as per Ordinance to evaluate medical programs of medical schools for conformity with prescribed “Minimum Standards Regulations” and required standards of World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). To do so Accreditation Unit requires the assistance of members and non-members of the SLMC, and such members may have interests related to the medical school under review. To ensure the highest integrity and public confidence in its activities, the Accreditation Unit requires those serving as reviewers to disclose any information that could give rise to a potential conflict of interest.
- All reviewers are therefore expected to disclose any circumstances that could represent a potential conflict of interest (i.e., any interest that may affect, or may reasonably be perceived to affect the reviewer’s objectivity and independence).
- Reviewers must disclose on this Declaration of Interests form, any financial, professional, personal or other interest relevant to the medical school under review and any interest that could affect the final decision made by the Accreditation Unit/SLMC regarding recognition of the medical school.
- Reviewers must also declare relevant interest of your immediate family members. Above information is required for the Accreditation Unit to decide on the appointment of reviewers to each medical school.
- If you are a reviewer and have not already done so, please complete this form and submit it to the Head of Accreditation Unit of SLMC prior to undertaking the “Review Process” pertaining to the SER submitted by a medical school.
- Please note that answering ‘yes’ to a question on this form does not automatically disqualify you from undertaking a review. Your answers will be reviewed by the Accreditation Unit to determine whether you have a conflict of interest relevant to the review at hand.
- The Accreditation Unit may conclude that no potential conflict exists, interest is irrelevant or insignificant and decide whether you should be part of the review team. If you are unable or unwilling to disclose the details, please inform the Head of Accreditation Unit.